

Maybe the real point of forgiveness isn't other people. I mean, we talk about setting them free and letting it go, but maybe forgiveness is ultimately about me, and it's about you. It's about us. Because when I forgive somebody and I set them free, it's like I'm really setting myself free. It's like when I forgive them and let them off the hook, I'm really letting myself off the hook. If I'm still carrying all that stuff around, it's a miserable... it's a miserable way to live. I mean, I don't know what you're carrying around, or how long you've been carrying it around... but as we journey through life, we get hurt and we get wounded, and we end up carrying these debts that people owe us. It's like we carry them with us everywhere we go. And after a while, these bags get heavy, don't they? And they can end up making the journey exhausting.

God didn't create you to carry that stuff around! God created you to be free, free from bitterness, free from rage and anger and revenge... free from feeling like you're the judge of the world. I mean, what does it look like for you to just let it go?

-Rob Bell


myspace profile

so i had/have myspace. but i never use it anymore. it was more of a middle school thing. now i only visit myspace to see artists pages, which i don't need to sign in for, so i never sign in.

well, today i did. and this was what i had written on it. thought it was cool, i cut it and pasted it here. i now have nothing on my myspace, but it really doesn't matter. check out my profile:

i don't like eating fish but for some reason i don't mind the smell of it. i think because it reminds me of the ocean. i love the beach. it's my favorite place in the world. so relaxing and peaceful, and at the same time so exciting and full of life. and colorful. i love colors. bright colors. and i love designing things. even though i'm not very good at it. i like painting my toenails but hate painting my fingernails. hands are the coolest part of the human body. they make me marvel at God's creation. i love the creativity of God. and God in general. we're BFF. and someday he's gonna save this world. :) a lot of people don't know this, but i actually really like poetry. i read it in my free time. and i journal a lot. and i don't mind writing. unless it's something pointless for a class that i hate and want to be done with as soon as possible. (can i get an amen?!) hehe. i love performing on stage. i love making other people happy. that's why i work at customer service, i guess. laughter keeps me going on days when i feel like quitting. i could not survive without my friends. i love them so much. friends are real treasures in life. don't wait until your last few months of high school to realize this. petty fights and drama are not all worth the time everyone seems to allot them. i don't waste my time with people i don't want to be with. but i don't spend enough time with the people i do want to get to know better. i text way too much. and i hang out with my sisters way too little. i love my family. my dad is the best role model i could ask for, and my mom is the most amazing woman you'll ever meet. plus, i have two awesome sisters who are a blast to be around 24/7. i'm a goofball.
but i love serenity and most of the time would prefer to be by myself than out and about. i like reading, but i'd rather go for a run or a bike ride. i used to roller blade every day after school for hours. I LOVE MUSIC! i listen to it almost all the time. i do have favorite bands (switchfoot!) but i actually like a LOT of different kinds of music. like classical, for instance. weird, i know. i just recently started to like classical. and i love techno/electronica, and of course rock. not so much country, but i've found some good ones, thanks to a couple cool friends. and most rap songs make me throw up. i LOVE to travel! and i really want to backpack around the world someday. but i love even taking simple weekend trips just to see something new. i love experiencing new things and if i could have my way, i'd probably never do anything twice. tight schedules are suffocating. i work at a grocery store. ha! i love riding roller coasters. i love taking risks. i really like my life in this small town i grew up in. and i wouldn't change any part of it for the world.