
"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming... I'm heweh!"

Any Full House fans in the house?! (2 points extra 'cause I said house twice!) (... And yes, this year I'll be delegating points to myself. Get stoked.) Anyway, Michelle always said that in Full House... the whole "I'm coming" thing... It's something my sisters and I always say... I can sense I'm already losing readers on this one... so, moving on...


This is so weird, this is so weird, this is so... awesome. It's a new year! Which can only mean one thing: you can again return to my blog and actually find NEW MATERIAL! Which I'm sure is very exciting for all of you who have been waiting with bated breath for a new post. I apologize for not blogging all summer, but I will summarize my summer in three words. (... And then maybe a few more...)

1. SIFE. The month of May, my friends, was SIFE-filled. SIFE, if you don't know, is an international organization (Students In Free Enterprise), and one of the many clubs at Roberts. This year, our SIFE team competed not only regionally, but NATIONALLY, and I traveled with the team to Minneapolis, Minnesota in the beginning of May for the competition! It was a great experience, and our team did very well, eventually placing in the top 16 IN THE NATION for college SIFE teams. (Can I get a 'What! What!'?!) 'Twas very exciting. THEN, I traveled AGAIN with a SIFE team to a village in Guatemala!! RWC SIFE has been ministering to this community for seven years, and having gone on the trip last year, I couldn't wait to return again. Although we were scheduled to stay one week, God had some other ideas... and after a volcano eruption, (!) tropical storm, (!!) and a few sinkholes, (!!!!!) we finally escaped an extra week later, via El Salvador. QUITE the adventure! But one of the most amazing trips of my life. Stories from that trip may or may not sneak into this blog periodically.

2. LEATHER. That's right, I'm talkin' cow hide. This summer, I worked at a Leather shop for the first time ever! It was a new thing for me... (believe it or not, I'm not actually experienced...) but was so much fun. It's a private shop inside Hersheypark (ever heard of it?! I live close-by!) where I made keychains, bracelets, dreamcatchers, belts... even rings or dog tags (which, consequently, were made out of metal... not leather...) for the chocolate-loving tourists. Sometimes, working in a shop, with a heavy apron on, in 98 degree weather can be... interesting... but for the most part it was a great experience. Mostly because my boss and co-workers were so cool. And because it was like arts and crafts time, ALL the time, combined with meeting new and exciting people, from places like Azerbaijan, every. day. Awesome-ness. Plus, working at the park means free passes to park, which I definitely had to take advantage of...

3. BEACH. Of course! It's summer... time to getchyo Ocean on! I went to the beach several times, with family or friends, or a little of both. Spending time with my family in the summer is always a highlight, because, quite simply: I love them. :) I'm fully convinced that there is no better group of crazy cats in the world for me, and living at home during the summer is always so good. This summer, we also added a few random weekend adventures to our sched's, like a whale-watching trip out of Massachusetts... where we saw TWENTY FIVE HUMPBACK WHALES! (YES, my friends, dreams DO come true!! In case you don't know this about me, I am slightly freakish about the Ocean and all its contents. I love whales.) So the family, that was good. Plus, my dog is there, and that cute ol' cockapoo is quite the companion.

So there you have it, my friends! My summer in three words! (Or... you know... three hundred... but it was close.) Overall, it was an amazing time, and couldn't really be put into blog-form... more like novel form. Hence the length of this puppy! But don't worry, your tired eyes will not have to work themselves into a tizzy every time I write a blog. So come on back sometime, and check in. I still have to tell you about life here at Bob's! :)

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